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Martin’s 60th Birthday Party Saturday June 11th 2016.
The attendance was excellent as always with around 400 customers visiting the special event. ML&S even decorated the street to also celebrate Her Majesty the Queens 90th.
There were so many cars there was a bit of a pile up in the street, but nothing too bad as we had the whole length of Drake Avenue to park on. Free food (Burgers & Hot Dogs) along with refreshments and even entertainment was available (not forgetting the bacon Butties from 7am)! Customers came from literally all over the UK and the special day was filmed by mls.tv as well as the crew from TX-Factor who will make a special feature in a forthcoming episode.
Representatives from Yaesu & Icom UK were also on site throughout the day. Dave Stockley, the Chairman of Icom UK even made the four hour round-journey, just to join in the celebrations.
A great day was had by all and we’re eternally thankful to everyone who turned up.
Martin Lynch